Hello there! My name is Krishnan. 
I am a UX Designer and I design products that are functional, beautiful and easy to use. 
I have spent a decade crafting delightful experiences for a wide variety of user personas through collaborations with business and development teams. 
Work Experience:        10 years
Companies:              SAP Labs, Oracle, TCS
Education:                  MA Interactive Media, London College of Communication
B Tech IT, Vellore Institute of Technology

I have spent a decade crafting delightful experiences for a wide variety of user personas through collaborations with business and development teams. 
I conduct extensive user research, draw user journeys, create high-fidelity, pixel-perfect UI mockups and validate them with usability tests. I also have enough technical knowledge to work with UI developers and push the envelope of front-end technologies. 
All of this enables me to design products that empower its users by boosting their productivity and easing their workflows. Do have a look at my portfolio and see my journey filled with challenges, failures and ultimately success while designing these products! 
In my spare time I compose music, and build robots out of Legos.